Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Frankie Sparo - See My Film (mp3)

I know most of you have the attention span of a fruit loop, and probably won't read past the word "most". I'll try and keep it entertaining for you ruffians and misanthropists. Frankie Sparo is from Quebec. Normally, that means he cries himself to sleep and bruises easily. In this case, Frankie Sparo is a cool band who's lyrics I can't understand...and then I punched him in the kidney and said "I ordered lemon with my water!"(just keeping it entertaining). If you're looking for a song where the verse is just as catchy as the chorus, you won't find it here. Frankie Sparo lets the instruments and mood do the talking (since he rarely hits more than 3 notes a song). So check it out. Boobies.


Anonymous said...

i stopped at most, newblar

-mal, not quite from dorval

Anonymous said...

Nice posts, gon3mad.

Omnipotent...get better okay?

-mal ( again lol )